The Guess Who (20 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The Guess Who#10MP31973not rated36:15
The Guess WhoA RetrospectiveMP31997not rated1:04:40
The Guess WhoAmerican WomanMP31970not rated39:18
The Guess WhoAnthologyMP32003not rated2:28:26
The Guess WhoArtificial ParadiseMP31973not rated39:30
The Guess WhoCanned WheatMP31969not rated47:39
The Guess WhoFlavoursMP31975not rated40:41
The Guess WhoGreatest HitsMP31999not rated1:09:10
The Guess WhoIt's TimeMP31966not rated30:27
The Guess WhoLive At The ParamountMP31972not rated1:14:58
The Guess WhoLonely OneMP31995not rated40:50
The Guess WhoOn TourMP31988not rated1:08:50
The Guess WhoRoad FoodMP31974not rated36:18
The Guess WhoRockin'MP31972not rated38:40
The Guess WhoShare the LandMP31970not rated34:14
The Guess WhoThe Best of the Guess WhoMP31971not rated41:55
The Guess WhoThe HitsMP32006not rated49:16
The Guess WhoThis Time Long Ago Vol. 1MP32001not rated44:42
The Guess WhoTrack RecordMP31988not rated1:59:55
The Guess WhoWheatfield SoulMP31968not rated38:35