Complete list of tearaway's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
ThriceUltra - BlueIdentity Crisis3:02not ratedMP32000
ThriceUnder A Kill MoonApocalypse OST2:42not ratedMP32004
Thriceunder a killing moonThe Artist In The Ambulance2:42not ratedMP32003
ThriceUnder ParIdentity Crisis4:47not ratedMP32000
ThriceUnquestioned AnswersIdentity Crisis4:20not ratedMP32000
ThriceWhere Idols Once StoodThe Illusion Of Safety3:08not ratedMP32002
Thrid Eye BlindBurning ManThird Eye Blind3:00not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindGod Of WineThird Eye Blind5:18not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindGood For YouThird Eye Blind3:53not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindGraduateThird Eye Blind3:10not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindHow's It Going To BeThird Eye Blind4:14not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindI Want YouThird Eye Blind4:30not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindJumperThird Eye Blind4:34not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindLondonThird Eye Blind3:07not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindLosing A Whole YearThird Eye Blind3:21not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindMotorcycle Driven ByThird Eye Blind4:23not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindNarcolepsyThird Eye Blind3:49not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindSemi-Charmed LifeThird Eye Blind4:29not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindThanks A LotThird Eye Blind4:58not ratedMP31997
Thrid Eye BlindThe BackgroundThird Eye Blind4:57not ratedMP31997
Thriftstore MasterpieceLong Black Train (No Narration) (Feat. Frank Black)Trouble is a Lonesome Town3:41not ratedCD7/9/2013
Thriftstore MasterpieceLook at That Woman (No Narration) (Feat. Courtney Taylor-Taylor)Trouble is a Lonesome Town4:25not ratedCD7/9/2013
Thriftstore MasterpiecePeculiar Guy (No Narration) (Feat. Eddie Argos)Trouble is a Lonesome Town3:34not ratedCD7/9/2013
Thriftstore MasterpieceRun Boy Run (No Narration) (Feat. Frank Black)Trouble is a Lonesome Town3:17not ratedCD7/9/2013
Thriftstore MasterpieceSix Feet of Chain (No Narration) (Feat. Pete Yorn)Trouble is a Lonesome Town2:38not ratedCD7/9/2013

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