Complete list of tearaway's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Nolan Bruce AllenBlues for DixieSalutes the Bob Wills Era3:53not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenBubbles in My BeerSalutes the Bob Wills Era2:42not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenFaded LoveSalutes the Bob Wills Era4:56not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenGoodnight Little SweetheartSalutes the Bob Wills Era4:41not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenHeart to Heart TalkSalutes the Bob Wills Era2:49not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenHome in San AntoneSalutes the Bob Wills Era2:24not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenI Needed YouSalutes the Bob Wills Era2:26not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenLittle Liza JaneSalutes the Bob Wills Era3:50not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenMy ConfessionSalutes the Bob Wills Era3:21not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenMy MarySalutes the Bob Wills Era2:50not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenRight or WrongSalutes the Bob Wills Era3:29not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenRoly PolySalutes the Bob Wills Era2:45not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenRosettaSalutes the Bob Wills Era2:50not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenShame on YouSalutes the Bob Wills Era3:31not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenSilver Bells [instrumental]Salutes the Bob Wills Era3:38not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenSouth of the BorderSalutes the Bob Wills Era4:00not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenSpanish Two StepSalutes the Bob Wills Era3:45not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenSugar MoonSalutes the Bob Wills Era2:39not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenTexas Playboy Chimes [instrumental]Salutes the Bob Wills Era2:01not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenThe Kind of Love I Can't ForgetSalutes the Bob Wills Era3:16not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenThere Ain't a Cow in TexasSalutes the Bob Wills Era2:07not ratedCD2003
Nolan Bruce AllenYearningSalutes the Bob Wills Era2:34not ratedCD2003
Nolan Cormier & The LA AcesHee Haw BreakdownKings Of Cajun Vol III2:46not ratedCD1994
NomadHamar GirlGlobe Trekker1:06not ratedCD2002
NomadHeart of EthiopiaGlobe Trekker3:57not ratedCD2002

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