Complete list of tearaway's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
MX-80 SoundWhy Are We HereOut of Control2:55not ratedMP31980
MXPXCold and All AloneSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo2:07not ratedMP31998
MXPXFist vs. TactSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo1:12not ratedMP31998
MXPXFor AlwaysSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo3:12not ratedMP31998
MXPXGet With It!Slowly Going the Way of the Buffalo1:44not ratedMP31998
MXPXI'm OK, You're OKSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo2:39not ratedMP31998
MXPXInches from LifeSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo1:51not ratedMP31998
MXPXInvitation to UnderstandingSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo2:33not ratedMP31998
MXPXParty, My House, Be ThereSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo2:16not ratedMP31998
MXPXSelf Serving with a PurposeSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo2:48not ratedMP31998
MXPXSet the Record StraightSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo2:57not ratedMP31998
MxPxSummer of '69Berkeley, CA 01/13/912:21not ratedMP31991
MXPXThe Downfall of Western CivilizationSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo2:42not ratedMP31998
MXPXThe Final SlowdanceSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo1:59not ratedMP31998
MXPXThe Theme FiascoSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo3:13not ratedMP31998
MXPXTomorrow's Another DaySlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo2:47not ratedMP31998
MXPXUnder Lock and KeySlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo2:32not ratedMP31998
MXPXWhat's Mine Is YoursSlowly Going the Way of the Buffalo3:44not ratedMP31998
My Best Friends WeddingSay a little prayer for youMovie2:30not ratedMP3
My Bloody ValentineLose My BreathUnconditionally Guarnateed Feb 1 19993:38not ratedCD1999
My Bloody ValentineMap Ref 41N 93WWhore: Tribute to Wire4:11not ratedMP31996
My Bloody ValentineOnly ShallowAmateur Soundtrack - A Film By Hal Hartley3:41not ratedCD1995
My Bloody ValentineSoonJust Say...(Vol. 04 "Just Say Da")6:39not ratedMP31990
My Chemical RomanceCemetary DriveThree Cheers For Sweet Revenge3:08not ratedMP32004
My Chemical RomanceGive 'Em Hell, KidThree Cheers For Sweet Revenge2:19not ratedMP32004

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