Complete list of tearaway's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
YesSouth Side Of The SkySongs From Tsongas - The 35th Anniversary Concert10:48not ratedMP32014
YesSouth Side Of The SkyFragile8:08not ratedM4A1972
YesStarship TrooperSongs From Tsongas - The 35th Anniversary Concert13:57not ratedMP32014
YesStarship TrooperHighlights - The Very Best Of Yes9:25not ratedM4A1993
YesStarship TrooperYessongs10:18not ratedM4A1973
YesStarship TrooperThe Yes Album9:26not ratedMP3
YesStarship TrooperExtended Versions13:04not ratedM4A2002
YesSurvivalHighlights - The Very Best Of Yes6:19not ratedM4A1993
YesSurvivalYesterdays6:24not ratedM4A1975
YesSweet DreamsYesterdays3:50not ratedM4A1975
YesSweet DreamsSongs From Tsongas - The 35th Anniversary Concert6:50not ratedMP32014
YesSweetnessBuffalo 664:30not ratedMP31998
YESThank You.AppleDoublenot ratedMP3
YesThe Ancient (Giants Under the Sun)Tales From Topographic Oceans [Disc 2]18:36not ratedM4A1973
YesThe ClapThe Yes Album3:16not ratedMP3
YesThe Fish (Shindleria Praematurus)Fragile2:42not ratedM4A1972
YesThe Gates Of DeliriumRelayer21:54not ratedM4A1974
YesThe Gates Of DeliriumYesshows22:40not ratedM4A
YesThe Gates of DeliriumRelayer [Remixed by Steven Wilson]21:59not ratedMP32014
YesThe Meeting [Piano Solo]Songs From Tsongas - The 35th Anniversary Concert3:27not ratedMP32014
YesThe MessengerThe Ladder5:13not ratedM4A1999
YESThe Real Deal.AppleDoublenot ratedMP3
YesThe Remembering (High The Memory)Tales From Topographic Oceans [Disc 1]20:36not ratedM4A1973
YesThe Revealing Science Of God (Dance Of The Dawn)Tales From Topographic Oceans [Disc 1]20:25not ratedM4A1973
YesThenYesterdays5:49not ratedM4A1975

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