Complete list of tearaway's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
WireMr. Marx's TableDaytrotter Session4:51not ratedMP32008
WireMr. SuitPINK FLAG1:25not ratedMP3
WireMr. SuitOn Returning (1977-1979)1:25not ratedWMA1989
WireOn ReturningOn Returning (1977-1979)2:06not ratedWMA1989
WireOne of UsObject 473:45not ratedMP32008
WireOptions RPINK FLAG1:36not ratedMP3
WireOutdoor MinerOn Returning (1977-1979)2:51not ratedWMA1989
WirePatient FleesObject 475:23not ratedMP32008
WirePerspex IconObject 473:16not ratedMP32008
WirePink FlagPINK FLAG3:50not ratedMP3
WIREPractice Makes PerfectChairs Missing [Bonus Tracks]not ratedMP3
WirePractise Makes PerfectOn Returning (1977-1979)4:06not ratedWMA1989
WireReutersOn Returning (1977-1979)3:02not ratedWMA1989
WireReutersPINK FLAG3:03not ratedMP3
WireSand in My JointsOn Returning (1977-1979)1:51not ratedWMA1989
WireSilk Skin PawsDaytrotter Session4:14not ratedMP32008
WireSilk Skin PawsDaytrotter Session4:14not ratedMP32008
WireStart To MovePINK FLAG1:12not ratedMP3
WireStraight LinePINK FLAG0:44not ratedMP3
WireStraight LineOn Returning (1977-1979)0:46not ratedWMA1989
WireStrangeOn Returning (1977-1979)3:58not ratedWMA1989
WireStrangePINK FLAG3:58not ratedMP3
WireSurgeon's GirlPINK FLAG1:14not ratedMP3
WireThe CommercialPINK FLAG0:49not ratedMP3
WireThe Other WindowOn Returning (1977-1979)2:09not ratedWMA1989

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