Complete list of tearaway's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
WammoHey RedLowriders On the Storm3:27not ratedCD2005
WammoHick HopFaster than the Speed of Suck5:35not ratedCD
WammoHindenburgerFaster than the Speed of Suck0:48not ratedCD
WammoHomage to the RamonesFat Headed Stranger4:29not ratedCD
WammoI Got PimplesFaster than the Speed of Suck1:07not ratedCD
WammoI Like His PenisFaster than the Speed of Suck0:53not ratedCD
WammoIntroducing Jack Sabbath!Faster than the Speed of Suck0:51not ratedCD
WammoKBONG/Happy Hardcore MoodFaster than the Speed of Suck2:15not ratedCD
WammoLadies and Gentlemen: Dick Tingler!Faster than the Speed of Suck0:57not ratedCD
WammoLowriders on the StormLowriders On the Storm3:34not ratedCD2005
WammoMonkey Semen/Monkey Doo DooFaster than the Speed of Suck1:36not ratedCD
WammoMulleticaLowriders On the Storm6:24not ratedCD2005
WammoNero Fiddles While Tom WaitsFaster than the Speed of Suck1:25not ratedCD
WammoNo Shroom at the InnFaster than the Speed of Suck4:38not ratedCD
WammoNot Fast EnoughFaster than the Speed of Suck1:04not ratedCD
WammoOpen Leather '92Fat Headed Stranger2:18not ratedCD
WammoPut Your Hands Against the CarFat Headed Stranger0:58not ratedCD
WammoRachel of the SeaFaster than the Speed of Suck0:33not ratedCD
WammoRolfFaster than the Speed of Suck2:18not ratedCD
WammoSaltyFat Headed Stranger3:07not ratedCD
WammoSatan CigsFaster than the Speed of Suck1:37not ratedCD
WammoSave MeLowriders On the Storm3:58not ratedCD2005
WammoSiren ScreamLowriders On the Storm4:48not ratedCD2005
WammoSuccesspoolLowriders On the Storm3:32not ratedCD2005
WammoSuper FagFaster than the Speed of Suck0:25not ratedCD

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