Artist | Title | Album | Duration | Rating | Format | Released |
Wammo | Hey Red | Lowriders On the Storm | 3:27 | not rated | CD | 2005 |
Wammo | Hick Hop | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 5:35 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Hindenburger | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 0:48 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Homage to the Ramones | Fat Headed Stranger | 4:29 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | I Got Pimples | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 1:07 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | I Like His Penis | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 0:53 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Introducing Jack Sabbath! | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 0:51 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | KBONG/Happy Hardcore Mood | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 2:15 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Ladies and Gentlemen: Dick Tingler! | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 0:57 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Lowriders on the Storm | Lowriders On the Storm | 3:34 | not rated | CD | 2005 |
Wammo | Monkey Semen/Monkey Doo Doo | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 1:36 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Mulletica | Lowriders On the Storm | 6:24 | not rated | CD | 2005 |
Wammo | Nero Fiddles While Tom Waits | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 1:25 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | No Shroom at the Inn | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 4:38 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Not Fast Enough | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 1:04 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Open Leather '92 | Fat Headed Stranger | 2:18 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Put Your Hands Against the Car | Fat Headed Stranger | 0:58 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Rachel of the Sea | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 0:33 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Rolf | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 2:18 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Salty | Fat Headed Stranger | 3:07 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Satan Cigs | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 1:37 | not rated | CD | |
Wammo | Save Me | Lowriders On the Storm | 3:58 | not rated | CD | 2005 |
Wammo | Siren Scream | Lowriders On the Storm | 4:48 | not rated | CD | 2005 |
Wammo | Successpool | Lowriders On the Storm | 3:32 | not rated | CD | 2005 |
Wammo | Super Fag | Faster than the Speed of Suck | 0:25 | not rated | CD |