1. Jord Och Himmel (Heaven and Earth) | not rated | 2:17 |
2. Humlan (The Bumblebee) | not rated | 2:25 |
3. Vita Dimmor (White Mists) | not rated | 3:10 |
4. Sprakfåle (The Frisky Steed) | not rated | 2:31 |
5. Det Sjungande Berget (The Singing Mountain) | not rated | 3:13 |
6. Saiva | not rated | 3:09 |
7. Täv (A Whiff) | not rated | 1:09 |
8. Vettlös (Mindless) | not rated | 2:05 |
9. Glaspolskan (Glass Polska) | not rated | 4:45 |
10. Kommer Du Ej Snart (Are You Not Coming Soon) | not rated | 1:42 |
11. Svängvals (Swing Waltz) | not rated | 2:10 |
12. Giv Oss FÃ¥gel (Give Us Fowl) | not rated | 0:39 |
13. Bakåtmarschen (The Retreat-March) | not rated | 2:09 |
14. Snöflöjt (Snow-Flute) | not rated | 3:10 |
15. Förlossningskvarnen (The Mill of Delivery) | not rated | 3:33 |
16. Norrsken (Northern Lights) | not rated | 1:43 |
17. Sällsam Vals (The Singular Waltz) | not rated | 1:59 |
18. Vagga Mina Moln (Rock My Clouds) | not rated | 4:14 |
19. Himlafäste (The Firmament) | not rated | 1:19 |
20. Roshalling (Rose Halling) | not rated | 2:18 |
21. Bröllop (Wedding) | not rated | 3:02 |
22. Varifrån Komma Barnen (Where Do the Children Come From) | not rated | 3:49 |
| 56:41 |
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