Corey Harris
Greens from the Garden

Corey Harris - Greens from the Garden

  • Release date: 1999
  • Genre: Blues
  • Format: CD
  • Category: blues
  • Duration: 1:00:24
  • not rated
  • Added February 25, 2011


1. Introduction to the Greensnot rated0:48
2. Baseheadnot rated4:41
3. Honeysucklenot rated4:23
4. Tapadonot rated0:39
5. Eh la Basnot rated5:50
6. Interludenot rated0:40
7. Wild Westnot rated4:04
8. In the Kitchen with Mommanot rated0:22
9. Sweet Black Angelnot rated4:08
10. Pas Parleznot rated4:30
11. Interludenot rated0:13
12. Lynch Bluesnot rated6:16
13. Greens Back in the Daynot rated1:20
14. Congo Square Ragnot rated1:44
15. Diddy Wah Diddynot rated2:31
16. Itesnot rated1:14
17. Just a Closer Walk with Theenot rated5:56
18. Nola Ragnot rated4:56
19. Epiloguenot rated0:49
20. Teabag Blues (bonus track)not rated4:59
21. Untitlednot rated0:11

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