Complete list of sunkentreasure's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The SmithsWhat's The World (Soundcheck)Asleep Bootleg3:24not ratedMP31985
The SmithsWilliam It Was Really NothingSame Day Again (Live)2:15not ratedMP31985
The SmithsWilliam It Was Really Nothing (Peel)Asleep Bootleg2:07not ratedMP31985
The SmithsWilliam, It Was Really NothingSingles2:11not ratedMP35/23/1995
The SmithsWilliam, It Was Really NothingNever Had No One Ever6:03not ratedMP31991
The SmithsWilliam, It Was Really NothingLouder Than Bombs2:11not ratedMP33/31/1987
The SmithsWilliam, It Was Really NothingThe Best of the Smiths, Vol. 1not ratedCDR9/29/1992
The SmithsWilliam, it was Really NothingThe John Peel Sessions (EP)2:07not ratedMP31988
The SmithsWonderful WomanTroy Tate Sessions3:28not ratedMP31999
The SmithsWonderful WomanReel Around The Fountain3:06not ratedMP31984
The SmithsWonderful Woman (Jensen)Asleep Bootleg3:15not ratedMP31985
The SmithsWonderful Woman (Tate outtake 1, slow)The Troy Hand Rocks The Cradle (bootleg unreleased)3:26not ratedMP31992
The SmithsWonderful Woman (Tate outtake 2)The Troy Hand Rocks The Cradle (bootleg unreleased)3:18not ratedMP31992
The SmithsYou Just Haven't Earned It Yet BabyThe World Won't Listen3:32not ratedLP3/1987
The SmithsYou Just Haven't Earned It Yet, BabyLouder Than Bombs3:22not ratedMP33/31/1987
The SmithsYou've Got Everything NowNever Had No One Ever2:51not ratedMP31991
The SmithsYou've Got Everything NowThe Smiths3:59not ratedMP32/1984
The SmithsYou've Got Everything NowTroy Tate Sessions4:26not ratedMP31999
The SmithsYou've Got Everything NowReel Around The Fountain3:50not ratedMP31984
The SmithsYou've Got Everything Now (Tate outtake 1, slow)The Troy Hand Rocks The Cradle (bootleg unreleased)4:23not ratedMP31992
The SmithsYou΄ve Got Everything NowSame Day Again (Live)4:12not ratedMP31985
The Soft BoysBlack Snake Diamond Rock [*]Underwater Moonlightnot ratedCDR7/1980
The Soft BoysDreams [*]Underwater Moonlightnot ratedCDR7/1980
The Soft BoysI Got the HotsUnderwater Moonlightnot ratedCDR7/1980
The Soft BoysI Wanna Destroy YouUnderwater Moonlight****CDR7/1980

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