Complete list of sunkentreasure's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Aphex TwinSchottkey 7th PathSelected Ambient Works 85-925:08*****CD1992
Aphex TwinThaSelected Ambient Works 85-929:07****CD1992
Aphex TwinWe are the music makersSelected Ambient Works 85-927:43not ratedCD1992
Aphex TwinXtalSelected Ambient Works 85-924:54*****CD1992
Aphrodite's ChildAegian Sea6665:23not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildAll The Seats Were Occupied66619:22not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildAltamont6664:34*****MP31971
Aphrodite's ChildBabylon6662:47*****MP31971
Aphrodite's ChildBreak6662:59not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildDo It6661:44not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildHic Et Nunc6662:55not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildInfinity6665:15not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildLament6662:45not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildLoud, Loud, Loud6662:42not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildOfis6660:14not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildSeven Bowls6661:29not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildSeven Trumpets6660:35not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildThe Battle of The Locust6660:56not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildThe Beast6662:26not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildThe Capture Of The Beast6662:17not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildThe Four Horsemen6665:54not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildThe Lamb6664:35*****MP31971
Aphrodite's ChildThe Marching Beast6662:00not ratedMP31971
Aphrodite's ChildThe Seventh Seal6661:30*****MP31971
Aphrodite's ChildThe System6660:23not ratedMP31971

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