The Modern Lovers
The Modern Lovers

The Modern Lovers - The Modern Lovers

  • Release date: 1976
  • Genre: Garage Rock/Punk Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: pop/rock
  • Duration: 44:06
  • *****
  • Added May 22, 2009
  • Rated May 22, 2009


1. Roadrunner*****4:05
2. Astral Plane*****3:00
3. Old Worldnot rated4:03
4. Pablo Picasso*****4:21
5. I'm Straight*****4:18
6. Dignified and Oldnot rated2:29
7. She Cracked*****2:56
8. Hospitalnot rated5:35
9. Someone I Care Aboutnot rated3:39
10. Girl Friendnot rated3:54
11. Modern Worldnot rated3:43
12. Government Centernot rated2:03

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