Seven Days of Falling

E.S.T. - Seven Days of Falling

  • Release date: 12/9/2003
  • Genre: Downtempo/Post-Bop
  • Format: CD
  • Category: jazz
  • ****
  • Added November 2, 2008
  • Rated September 20, 2009


1. Ballad for the Unbornnot rated0:00
2. Seven Days of Fallingnot rated0:00
3. Mingle in the Mincing-Machinenot rated0:00
4. Evening in Atlantisnot rated0:00
5. Did They Ever Tell Cousteau?not rated0:00
6. Believe, Belief, Belownot rated0:00
7. Elevation of Lovenot rated0:00
8. In My Garagenot rated0:00
9. Why She Couldn't Comenot rated0:00
10. O.D.R.I.P. - Esbjorn Svensson, E. S. T.not rated0:00
11. Love Is Real (extra track)not rated0:00

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