Complete list of stuartb67's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Anonymous 4Prose: Regnantem sempiterna1000: A Mass for the End of Time - Medieval Chant and Polyph2:37not ratedMP32000
Anonymous 4Sanctus: Ante secula1000: A Mass for the End of Time - Medieval Chant and Polyph2:50not ratedMP32000
Anonymous 4Sequence with Prose: Salvator mundi/Rex omnipotens die hodie1000: A Mass for the End of Time - Medieval Chant and Polyph8:15not ratedMP32000
Anonymous 4Troped Communion: Corpus quod nunc/Psallite domino1000: A Mass for the End of Time - Medieval Chant and Polyph2:34not ratedMP32000
Anonymous 4Troped Introit: Quem creditis super astra/Viri galilei1000: A Mass for the End of Time - Medieval Chant and Polyph10:03not ratedMP32000
Anonymous 4Troped Offertory: Elevatus est rex fortis/Viri galilei1000: A Mass for the End of Time - Medieval Chant and Polyph8:29not ratedMP32000
Antje DuvekotDandelionBoys, Flowers, Miles4:00not ratedMP32005
Antje DuvekotJudasBoys, Flowers, Miles4:56not ratedMP32005
Antony & The JohnsonsForest Of LoveYou Are My Sister4:30not ratedWMA2005
Antony & The JohnsonsPaddy's GoneYou Are My Sister2:59not ratedWMA2005
Antony & The JohnsonsPoorest EarYou Are My Sister3:36not ratedWMA2005
Antony and the JohnsonsAtrocitiesAntony and the Johnsons9:57not ratedMP32000
Antony and the JohnsonsBird GirlI Am A Bird Now14:58not ratedMP32005
Antony and the JohnsonsBlue AngelAntony and the Johnsons17:44not ratedMP32000
Antony and the JohnsonsCripple and the StarfishAntony and the Johnsons17:14not ratedMP32000
Antony and the JohnsonsDeeper Than LoveAntony and the Johnsons24:01not ratedMP32000
Antony and the JohnsonsDivineAntony and the Johnsons9:13not ratedMP32000
Antony and the JohnsonsFistful Of LoveI Am A Bird Now8:11not ratedMP32005
Antony and the JohnsonsFor Today I Am A BoyI Am A Bird Now3:07not ratedMP32005
Antony and the JohnsonsFree At LastI Am A Bird Now7:34not ratedMP32005
Antony and the JohnsonsHitler In My HeartAntony and the Johnsons10:43not ratedMP32000
Antony and the JohnsonsHope There's SomeoneI Am A Bird Now19:20not ratedMP32005
Antony and the JohnsonsMan Is The BabyI Am A Bird Now18:45not ratedMP32005
Antony and the JohnsonsMy Lady StoryI Am A Bird Now17:08not ratedMP32005
Antony and the JohnsonsRaptureAntony and the Johnsons5:11not ratedMP32000

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