Complete list of stevemcguigan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
CamelAnother NightMoonmadnessnot ratedCD1976
CamelAnother NightMoonmadness6:58not rated12" vinyl1976
CamelAristillusMoonmadnessnot ratedCD1976
CamelAristillusMoonmadness1:57not rated12" vinyl1976
CamelChord ChangeMoonmadnessnot ratedCD1976
CamelChord ChangeMoonmadness6:45not rated12" vinyl1976
CamelDunkirkThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelEpitaphThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelFlight Of The Snow GooseThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelFriendshipThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelFrithaThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelFritha AloneThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelLa Princesse PerdueThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelLunar SeaMoonmadnessnot ratedCD1976
CamelLunar SeaMoonmadness9:11not rated12" vinyl1976
CamelMigrationThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelPreparationThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelRhayaderThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelRhayader AloneThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelRhayader Goes To TownThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelSanctuaryThe Snow Goosenot ratedCD9/22/1998
CamelSong Within A SongMoonmadnessnot ratedCD1976
CamelSong within a SongMoonmadness7:16not rated12" vinyl1976
CamelSpirit Of The WaterMoonmadnessnot ratedCD1976
CamelSpirit of the WaterMoonmadness2:07not rated12" vinyl1976

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