Complete list of speedskater's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
WIRTZMon Amour11 Zeugen3:28not ratedCD2008
WIRTZNada BrahmaErdling4:30not ratedCD2009
WIRTZNe Weile her11 Zeugen3:48not ratedCD2008
WIRTZNie genugSing meinen Song - Das Tauschkonzert Vol. 23:35not ratedCD2015
WIRTZOverkillErdling4:02not ratedCD2009
WIRTZRichtig weh11 Zeugen4:07not ratedCD2008
WIRTZSag es11 Zeugen4:02not ratedCD2008
WIRTZScherbenErdling6:15not ratedCD2009
WIRTZSiehst Du michErdling3:42not ratedCD2009
WIRTZWeil ich so bin11 Zeugen2:51not ratedCD2008
WIRTZWenn sie diesen Tango hörtSing meinen Song - Das Tauschkonzert Vol. 24:03not ratedCD2015
WIRTZWieder mal ne Nacht11 Zeugen4:15not ratedCD2008
WIRTZWo ich steh11 Zeugen3:19not ratedCD2008
Wishful ThinkingAmerica (Special Mix - Long Version)Hiroshima7:15not ratedCD1989
Wishful ThinkingHiroshima (Special Mix - Long Version)Hiroshima6:49not ratedCD1989
Wishful ThinkingState Fair MajoretteHiroshima3:59not ratedCD1989
WitteAls Mensch verkleidetZensur!?3:39not ratedCD1997
Witz in der KriseBettgeflüsterRadioComix "Gäg Sämpler Vol. 2"0:26not ratedCD1996
Witz in der KriseDie LeberRadioComix "Gäg Sämpler Vol. 2"0:37not ratedCD1996
Witz in der KriseHinrichtungRadioComix "Gäg Sämpler Vol. 2"0:24not ratedCD1996
Witz in der KriseWaschmaschineRadioComix "Gäg Sämpler Vol. 2"0:29not ratedCD1996
Wobble Jaggle JiggleThoughts of the SkyThe Last Daze of the Underground - The Delerium Records Anthology4:28not ratedCD2011
Wolf MaahnFieberDon't Stop The 80's Vol. 4 - Die Deutsche3:39not ratedCD2002
Wolf PeopleSilbury SandsEclipsed - Rockpalast Teil IIInot ratedDVD2012
Wolfe TonesErin Go Brath (Arow In The Town)Planet Celtique - The Best Of Celtic Music2:32not ratedCD1994

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