Complete list of snark's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Paul YoungSexNo Parlez6:52not ratedCD1983
Paul YoungTender TrapNo Parlez4:32not ratedCD1983
Paul YoungWherever I Lay My Hat (That's My Home)No Parlez6:01not ratedCD1983
Pauline ScanlonMolly BánBeginner's Guide To Ireland3:41not ratedCD2005
Paulo ConteVia Con MeFrench Kiss2:36not ratedCD1995
PavementRange LifeA Declaration Of Independence4:57not ratedCD2004
Peabo Bryson & Regina BelleA Whole New World (Aladdin's Theme)Aladdin4:04not ratedCD1992
PeachesFuck The Pain Away25 Years Of Rough Trade Shops4:11not ratedCD2001
Pearl BaileyTakes Two To Tango100 Hits Of The 50's2:59not ratedCD2006
Pearl Dickson featuring Pet & Can HarneyLittle Rock BluesHellhounds On Their Trail - A History Of Blues Guitar 1924-20013:01not ratedCD2004
Pearl JamAliveTen5:41not ratedCD1992
Pearl JamAlive (Live)Ten4:54not ratedCD1992
Pearl JamAnimalVS.2:49not ratedCD1993
Pearl JamBlackTen5:44not ratedCD1992
Pearl JamBloodVS.2:50not ratedCD1993
Pearl JamDaughterVS.3:55not ratedCD1993
Pearl JamDeepTen4:18not ratedCD1992
Pearl JamDirty FrankTen5:38not ratedCD1992
Pearl JamDissidentVS.3:35not ratedCD1993
Pearl JamElderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small TownVS.3:15not ratedCD1993
Pearl JamEven FlowTen4:53not ratedCD1992
Pearl JamGardenTen4:58not ratedCD1992
Pearl JamGlorified GVS.3:26not ratedCD1993
Pearl JamGoVS.3:12not ratedCD1993
Pearl JamIndifferenceVS.5:02not ratedCD1993

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