The Oncoming Storm

Unearth - The Oncoming Storm

  • Release date: 2004
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 40:10
  • not rated
  • Added January 3, 2008


1. The Great Dividersnot rated4:02
2. Failurenot rated3:11
3. This Lying Worldnot rated4:17
4. Black Hearts Now Reignnot rated3:32
5. Zombie Autopilotnot rated4:11
6. Bloodlust Of The Human Conditionnot rated3:28
7. Lie To Purifynot rated3:40
8. Endlessnot rated3:22
9. Ariesnot rated2:40
10. Predetermines Skynot rated4:05
11. False Idolsnot rated3:42

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