Complete list of sjones's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The CoastersSearchin'Atlantic Rhythm and Blues 1947-19742:40not ratedCD box set1991
The CoastersShopping For ClothesAtlantic Rhythm and Blues 1947-19742:59not ratedCD box set1991
The CoastersYakety YakAtlantic Rhythm and Blues 1947-19741:50not ratedCD box set1991
The CoastersYoung BloodAtlantic Rhythm and Blues 1947-19742:20not ratedCD box set1991
The ContoursFirst I Look at the PurseBeg, Scream & Shout! The Big Ol' Box of '60s Soul3:07not ratedCD box set1997
The CookersBelieve, For It Is TrueBelieve8:15not ratedMP32012
The CookersBeyond ForeverThe Call of the Wild and Peaceful Heart6:07not ratedMP32016
The CookersBlackfootThe Call of the Wild and Peaceful Heart5:40not ratedMP32016
The CookersBut He KnowsBelieve5:12not ratedMP32012
The CookersCapra BlackWarriors11:00not ratedMP32010
The CookersCast the First StoneCast the First Stone12:30not ratedMP32010
The CookersClose to You AloneWarriors6:16not ratedMP32010
The CookersCroquet BalletCast the First Stone6:39not ratedMP32010
The CookersDance Eternal Spirits DanceTime and Time Again4:28not ratedMP32014
The CookersDance of the Invisible NymphTime and Time Again9:20not ratedMP32014
The CookersDouble or NothingTime and Time Again6:46not ratedMP32014
The CookersEbony MoonbeamsBelieve8:56not ratedMP32012
The CookersFarewell MulgrewTime and Time Again6:46not ratedMP32014
The CookersFree For AllBelieve11:38not ratedMP32012
The CookersIf One Could Only SeeThe Call of the Wild and Peaceful Heart10:02not ratedMP32016
The CookersLadybuggWarriors7:03not ratedMP32010
The CookersLooking for the LightCast the First Stone8:43not ratedMP32010
The CookersNaajBelieve6:57not ratedMP32012
The CookersOceans of TimeThe Call of the Wild and Peaceful Heart8:33not ratedMP32016
The CookersPeacemakerCast the First Stone10:46not ratedMP32010

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