Complete list of sjones's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Stan KentonBlack CoffeeRetrospective3:39not ratedCD box set1992
Stan KentonBlack CoffeeComplete Capitol Recordings Of The Holman And Russo Charts3:39not ratedCD box set1995
Stan KentonBlue MusicThe Complete Capital Studio Recordings of Stan Kenton 1943-473:33not ratedCD box set1995
Stan KentonBlues Before And afterComplete Capitol Recordings Of The Holman And Russo Charts2:02not ratedCD box set1995
Stan KentonBlues In Asia MinorBroadcast Transcriptions 1941-19451:44not ratedCD1945
Stan KentonBlues In RiffInnovations - Live 19513:06not ratedCD1951
Stan KentonBlues In RiffThe Innovations Orchestra2:53not rated2CD1951
Stan KentonBody And SoulThe Complete Capital Studio Recordings of Stan Kenton 1943-473:16not ratedCD box set1995
Stan KentonBody and Soul50th Anniversary Celebration: Back to Balboa5:48not ratedCD box set1991
Stan KentonBongo RiffThe Complete Capital Studio Recordings of Stan Kenton 1943-472:08not ratedCD box set1995
Stan KentonBoogie Woogie50th Anniversary Celebration: Back to Balboa2:52not ratedCD box set1991
Stan KentonBuild It Up And Tear It DownBroadcast Transcriptions 1941-19453:19not ratedCD1945
Stan KentonBy The River Ste. MarieThe Complete Capital Studio Recordings of Stan Kenton 1943-471:41not ratedCD box set1995
Stan KentonCapitol PunishmentRetrospective4:33not ratedCD box set1992
Stan KentonCarnivalCuban Fire5:21not ratedCD1960
Stan KentonCello-logyThe Innovations Orchestra4:36not rated2CD1951
Stan KentonCherokeeComplete Capitol Recordings Of The Holman And Russo Charts3:08not ratedCD box set1995
Stan KentonChorale For Brass, Piano And Bongo (Prologue Suite - Second MovementThe Complete Capital Studio Recordings of Stan Kenton 1943-473:03not ratedCD box set1995
Stan KentonCity of GlassRetrospective4:27not ratedCD box set1992
Stan KentonClair De LuneBroadcast Transcriptions 1941-19453:24not ratedCD1945
Stan KentonClosing Theme: Artistry In RhythmBroadcast Transcriptions 1941-19450:50not ratedCD1945
Stan KentonCocktails For TwoThe Complete Capital Studio Recordings of Stan Kenton 1943-473:02not ratedCD box set1995
Stan KentonCollaborationThe Complete Capital Studio Recordings of Stan Kenton 1943-472:41not ratedCD box set1995
Stan KentonCollaborationThe Complete Capital Studio Recordings of Stan Kenton 1943-472:47not ratedCD box set1995
Stan KentonCollaborationThe Complete Capital Studio Recordings of Stan Kenton 1943-472:43not ratedCD box set1995

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