Complete list of sjones's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Roscoe MitchellDarseConversations 15:47not ratedMP32014
Roscoe MitchellDistant Radio TransmissionConversations 115:05not ratedMP32014
Roscoe MitchellKnock and RollConversations 18:20not ratedMP32014
Roscoe MitchellLast Trane to Clover 5Conversations 18:12not ratedMP32014
Roscoe MitchellOutpost Nine CallingConversations 18:58not ratedMP32014
Roscoe MitchellRide the WindConversations 17:28not ratedMP32014
Roscoe MitchellRubConversations 14:09not ratedMP32014
Roscoe MitchellSplatterConversations 14:53not ratedMP32014
Roscoe MitchellWho DatConversations 16:35not ratedMP32014
Roscoe Mitchell SextetOrnetteSound5:44not ratedCD1966
Roscoe Mitchell SextetOrnetteSound5:29not ratedCD1966
Roscoe Mitchell SextetSound 1Sound26:36not ratedCD1966
Roscoe Mitchell SextetSound 2Sound19:24not ratedCD1966
Roscoe Mitchell SextetThe Little SuiteSound10:27not ratedCD1966
Roseanna VitroBaltimoreThe Music of Randy Newman5:59not ratedMP32011
Roseanna VitroEverytime It RainsThe Music of Randy Newman4:05not ratedMP32011
Roseanna VitroFeels Like HomeThe Music of Randy Newman6:02not ratedMP32011
Roseanna VitroI Remember SpringClarity, Music of Clare Fischer6:00not ratedMP32014
Roseanna VitroI Will Go Sailing No MoreThe Music of Randy Newman6:06not ratedMP32011
Roseanna VitroIf I Din't Have YouThe Music of Randy Newman6:16not ratedMP32011
Roseanna VitroIn Germany before the WarThe Music of Randy Newman4:35not ratedMP32011
Roseanna VitroLast Night I Had A DreamThe Music of Randy Newman4:55not ratedMP32011
Roseanna VitroLife's Journey (Pavillon)Clarity, Music of Clare Fischer5:41not ratedMP32014
Roseanna VitroLosing YouThe Music of Randy Newman5:17not ratedMP32011
Roseanna VitroLove's Path (Love's Walk)Clarity, Music of Clare Fischer5:33not ratedMP32014

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