Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band
Life in the Bubble

Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band - Life in the Bubble

  • Release date: 2014
  • Format: CD
  • Duration: 1:03:37
  • not rated
  • Added October 4, 2017


1. Gordon Goodwin - Life in the Bubblenot rated6:45
2. Gordon Goodwin - Why We Can't Have Nice Thingsnot rated6:18
3. Gordon Goodwin - Synolicksnot rated8:15
4. Gordon Goodwin - Years of Therapynot rated8:21
5. Gordon Goodwin - The Passagenot rated6:46
6. Gordon Goodwin - Garaje Gatonot rated6:49
7. Gordon Goodwin - Does This Chart Make Me Look Phat?not rated8:21
8. Irving Szathmary - Get Smartnot rated4:28
9. Ned Washington - On Green Dolphin Streetnot rated3:34
10. Judith Hill - Party Rockersnot rated3:56

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