Wayne Shorter

Wayne Shorter - Juju

  • Release date: 1964
  • Format: CD
  • Duration: 56:18
  • *** 1/2
  • Added March 6, 2009
  • Played January 25
  • Rated March 6, 2009


1. Wayne Shorter - Jujunot rated8:29
2. Wayne Shorter - Delugenot rated6:51
3. Wayne Shorter - House Of Jadenot rated6:50
4. Wayne Shorter - Mahjongnot rated7:37
5. Wayne Shorter - Yes Or Nonot rated6:36
6. Wayne Shorter - Twelve More Bars To Gonot rated5:28
7. Wayne Shorter - Jujunot rated7:48
8. Wayne Shorter - House Of Jadenot rated6:36

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