Complete list of silveira's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Led ZeppelinThe Rain SongRemasters7:38not rated2CD1990
Led ZeppelinThe RoverPhysical Graffiti5:38not rated2CD1975
Led ZeppelinThe Song Remains the SameRemasters5:29not rated2CD1990
Led ZeppelinThe Wonton SongPhysical Graffiti4:09not rated2CD1975
Led ZeppelinTrampled Under FootPhysical Graffiti5:38not rated2CD1975
Led ZeppelinTrampled UnderfootRemasters5:35not rated2CD1990
Led ZeppelinTravelling Riverside BluesBBC Sessions5:11not rated2CD1997
Led ZeppelinWalter's WalkCoda4:30not ratedCD1982
Led ZeppelinWe're Gonna GrooveCoda2:37not ratedCD1982
Led ZeppelinWearing and TearingCoda5:31not ratedCD1982
Led ZeppelinWhat Is and What Should Never BeBBC Sessions4:20not rated2CD1997
Led ZeppelinWhat is and What Should Never BeEarly Days - The Best of Led Zeppelin Volume One4:44not ratedCD1999
Led ZeppelinWhen the Levee BreaksEarly Days - The Best of Led Zeppelin Volume One7:10not ratedCD1999
Led ZeppelinWhen the Levee BreaksLed Zeppelin7:07not ratedCD1971
Led ZeppelinWhole Lotta LoveBBC Sessions6:13not rated2CD1997
Led ZeppelinWhole Lotta LoveEarly Days - The Best of Led Zeppelin Volume One5:34not ratedCD1999
Led ZeppelinWhole Lotta LoveRemasters5:34not rated2CD1990
Led ZeppelinWhole Lotta Love - Medley: Boogie Chillun / Fixin' to Die / That's Alright Mama / A Mess of BluesBBC Sessions13:45not rated2CD1997
Led ZeppelinYou Shook MeBBC Sessions5:15not rated2CD1997
Led ZeppelinYou Shook MeBBC Sessions10:19not rated2CD1997
Lee Cabrera; MIMI Watch You - Club MixMinistry of Sound Spring Annual 20054:58not rated2CD2005
Lee CoombesShiver - Murk MixIt's Showtime! Resident Pete Tong Presents Pure Pacha Vol. II - Summer Season 2005 with Special Guest Star Sarah Main6:45not rated2CD2005
Lee CoombsFuture Sound of RetroEssential Mix Mixed by Boy George2:27not ratedCD2000
Lee DorseyWorking in a CoalmineCasino2:45not rated2CD1995
Lee JacksonChoo Choo ChooHits Again - Volumes 3 e 43:24not ratedCD1999

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