Complete list of silveira's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Dire StraitsHeavy FuelOn the Night5:22not ratedCD1996
Dire StraitsHeavy FuelOn Every Street4:56not ratedCD1991
Dire StraitsHow LongOn Every Street3:49not ratedCD1991
Dire StraitsIron HandOn Every Street3:09not ratedCD1991
Dire StraitsLes BoysMaking Movies4:08not ratedCD1996
Dire StraitsLionsLive at the BBC5:26not ratedCD1995
Dire StraitsLove over GoldAlchemy - Dire Straits Live3:27not rated2CD1984
Dire StraitsMoney for NothingOn the Night6:27not ratedCD1996
Dire StraitsMoney for NothingMoney for Nothing4:05not ratedCD1986
Dire StraitsMy PartiesOn Every Street5:32not ratedCD1991
Dire StraitsOn Every StreetOn Every Street5:04not ratedCD1991
Dire StraitsOn Every StreetOn the Night7:01not ratedCD1996
Dire StraitsOnce upon a Time in the WestAlchemy - Dire Straits Live13:00not rated2CD1984
Dire StraitsOne WorldBrothers in Arms3:28not ratedCD1985
Dire StraitsPlanet of New OrleansOn Every Street7:48not ratedCD1991
Dire StraitsPortobello Belle - LiveMoney for Nothing4:33not ratedCD1986
Dire StraitsPrivate InvestigationsMoney for Nothing5:50not ratedCD1986
Dire StraitsPrivate InvestigationsAlchemy - Dire Straits Live7:34not rated2CD1984
Dire StraitsPrivate InvestigationsOn the Night9:43not ratedCD1996
Dire StraitsRide Across the RiverBrothers in Arms6:50not ratedCD1985
Dire StraitsRomeo and JulietMoney for Nothing5:56not ratedCD1986
Dire StraitsRomeo and JulietOn the Night10:05not ratedCD1996
Dire StraitsRomeo and JulietAlchemy - Dire Straits Live8:16not rated2CD1984
Dire StraitsRomeo and JulietMaking Movies6:01not ratedCD1996
Dire StraitsSix Blade KnifeLive at the BBC3:47not ratedCD1995

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