Complete list of silveira's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
RamonesSheena Is a Punk RockerRocket to Russia2:49not ratedCD1977
RamonesSomebody like MeSubterrean Jungle2:33not ratedCD1983
RamonesSomebody Put Something in My DrinkAnthology3:23not ratedCD Box Set1999
RamonesSomething to Believe inAnthology4:09not ratedCD Box Set1999
RamonesSpidermanSaturday Morning - Cartoon's Greates Hits2:07not ratedCD1995
RamonesSurfin' BirdRocket to Russia2:37not ratedCD1977
RamonesSurfin' BirdAnthology2:37not ratedCD Box Set1999
RamonesSwallow My PrideAnthology2:07not ratedCD Box Set1999
RamonesTeenage LobotomyAnthology2:03not ratedCD Box Set1999
RamonesTeenage LobotomyRocket to Russia2:01not ratedCD1977
RamonesThe KKK Took My Baby AwayAnthology2:31not ratedCD Box Set1999
RamonesThe Return of Jackie and JudyEnd of the Century3:14not ratedCD1979
RamonesThis Ain't HavanaEnd of the Century2:18not ratedCD1979
RamonesTime BombSubterrean Jungle2:08not ratedCD1983
RamonesTime Has Come TodaySubterrean Jungle4:25not ratedCD1983
RamonesTomorrow She Goes AwayAnthology2:41not ratedCD Box Set1999
RamonesToo Tough to DieAnthology2:38not ratedCD Box Set1999
RamonesWe Want the AirwavesAnthology3:22not ratedCD Box Set1999
RamonesWe're a Happy FamilyRocket to Russia2:31not ratedCD1977
RamonesWhat' D Ya Do?Subterrean Jungle2:24not ratedCD1983
RamonesWhy Is It Always This Way ?Rocket to Russia2:15not ratedCD1977
Rampage & RevolutionReal GodCome and Have a Go If You Think You're Hardcore3:52not ratedCD2002
Ramsey & FenStyleUK - Garage Fever6:12not ratedCD1997
Ramsey LewisDo What You Wanna - Mr. Scruff's Soul Party MixVerve Remixed 25:24not ratedCD2003
Ramsey LewisThe "in" CrowdCasino5:51not rated2CD1995

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