Complete list of scorpio-x73's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
OpethFace Of MelindaStill Life8:00not ratedMP31999
OpethGodhead's LamentStill Life9:49not ratedMP31999
OpethMoonlapse VertigoStill Life9:01not ratedMP31999
OpethNectarMorningrise10:10not ratedMP31997
OpethSerenity Painted DeathStill Life9:15not ratedMP31999
OpethThe MoorStill Life11:27not ratedMP31999
OpethThe Night And The Silent WaterMorningrise11:00not ratedMP31997
OpethTo Bid You FarewellMorningrise10:57not ratedMP31997
OpethWhite ClusterStill Life10:03not ratedMP31999
OverkillAnxietyWrecking Your Neck (Disc 1)1:50not ratedMP31995
OverkillBare BonesHorrorscope4:52not ratedMP31991
OverkillBastard NationW.F.O.5:39not ratedMP31994
OverkillBastard NationWrecking Your Neck (Disc 2)5:58not ratedMP31995
OverkillBattleThe Killing Kind4:32not ratedMP31996
OverkillBirth Of TensionThe Years Of Decay5:05not ratedMP31989
OverkillBlood And IronFeel The Fire2:40not ratedMP31985
OverkillBlood MoneyHorrorscope4:07not ratedMP31991
OverkillBold Face Pagan StompThe Killing Kind5:43not ratedMP31996
OverkillBrainfadeUnder The Influence4:10not ratedMP31988
OverkillBurn You Down / To AshesThe Killing Kind6:48not ratedMP31996
OverkillCertifiableThe Killing Kind3:25not ratedMP31996
OverkillCold, Hard FactThe Killing Kind5:19not ratedMP31996
OverkillComaWrecking Your Neck (Disc 1)4:00not ratedMP31995
OverkillComaHorrorscope5:23not ratedMP31991
OverkillDeny The CrossTaking Over4:43not ratedMP31987

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