Complete list of scorpio-x73's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Neil YoungRunning Dry (Requiem For The Rockets)Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere5:37not ratedMP31969
Neil YoungSail AwayRust Never Sleeps3:51not ratedMP31979
Neil YoungSample And HoldLucky Thirteen8:06not ratedMP31993
Neil YoungScatteredYear Of The Horse (Disc 2)4:00not ratedMP31997
Neil YoungScatteredBroken Arrow4:14not ratedMP31996
Neil YoungSceneryMirror Ball8:51not ratedMP31995
Neil YoungSedan DeliveryYear Of The Horse (Disc 2)7:17not ratedMP31997
Neil YoungSedan DeliveryLive Rust4:50not ratedMP31978
Neil YoungSedan DeliveryRust Never Sleeps4:40not ratedMP31979
Neil YoungSlip AwayYear Of The Horse (Disc 2)10:54not ratedMP31997
Neil YoungSlip AwayBroken Arrow8:37not ratedMP31996
Neil YoungSomedayFreedom5:43not ratedMP31989
Neil YoungSong XMirror Ball4:41not ratedMP31995
Neil YoungSouthern ManAfter The Gold Rush5:32not ratedMP31970
Neil YoungStringmanUnplugged4:01not ratedMP31993
Neil YoungStupid GirlZuma3:13not ratedMP31975
Neil YoungStupid White Men...Dead Man8:46not ratedMP31996
Neil YoungSuch A WomanHarvest Moon4:38not ratedMP31992
Neil YoungSugar MountainLive Rust5:03not ratedMP31978
Neil YoungTell Me WhyAfter The Gold Rush2:58not ratedMP31970
Neil YoungThe LonerLive Rust4:53not ratedMP31978
Neil YoungThe Losing End (When You're On)Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere4:08not ratedMP31969
Neil YoungThe Needle And The Damage DoneHarvest2:03not ratedMP31972
Neil YoungThe Needle And The Damage DoneUnplugged2:52not ratedMP31993
Neil YoungThe Needle And The Damage DoneLive Rust3:07not ratedMP31978

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