Complete list of scorpio-x73's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Thin LizzyRockerLife Live4:46not ratedMP31983
Thin LizzyRoisin Dubh (Black Rose) A Rock LegendBlack Rose7:03not ratedMP31979
Thin LizzyRomeo And The Lonely GirlJailbreak3:56not ratedMP31976
Thin LizzyRosalieFighting2:55not ratedMP31975
Thin LizzyRosalieLive and Dangerous4:04not ratedMP31978
Thin LizzyRosalieOne Night Only8:35not ratedMP32000
Thin LizzyRunning BackJailbreak3:13not ratedMP31976
Thin LizzyS & MBlack Rose4:04not ratedMP31979
Thin LizzySarahLizzy Killers3:31not ratedMP31981
Thin LizzySarahWhisky in the Jar2:46not ratedMP31984
Thin LizzySha La LaLive and Dangerous5:26not ratedMP31978
Thin LizzyShades of blue orphanageWhisky in the Jar7:05not ratedMP31984
Thin LizzySilver DollarFighting3:27not ratedMP31975
Thin LizzySomeday She Is Going To Hit BackThunder And Lightning4:06not ratedMP31983
Thin LizzySouthboundLive and Dangerous4:52not ratedMP31978
Thin LizzySpirit Slips AwayFighting4:41not ratedMP31975
Thin LizzyStill in Love With YouLife Live8:59not ratedMP31983
Thin LizzyStill In Love With YouLive and Dangerous7:43not ratedMP31978
Thin LizzyStill In Love With YouOne Night Only8:44not ratedMP32000
Thin LizzySugar BluesChinatown4:20not ratedMP31980
Thin LizzySuicideFighting5:12not ratedMP31975
Thin LizzySuicideLive and Dangerous5:19not ratedMP31978
Thin LizzySuicideOne Night Only5:54not ratedMP32000
Thin LizzySun Goes DownLife Live6:45not ratedMP31983
Thin LizzySweetheartChinatown3:27not ratedMP31980

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