Complete list of scorpio-x73's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
TherionMelezLepaca Kliffoth4:07not ratedMP31995
TherionMidgardSecret of the Runes5:03not ratedMP32001
TherionMorbid RealityOf Darkness...6:04not ratedMP31990
TherionMorning Star (Draconian Trilogy)Vovin3:35not ratedMP31998
TherionMuspelheimSecret of the Runes2:14not ratedMP32001
TherionNifelheimSecret of the Runes4:35not ratedMP32001
TherionNightside Of EdenTheli7:31not ratedMP31996
TherionO FortunaDeggial3:22not ratedMP32000
TherionOpus EclipseTheli3:41not ratedMP31996
TherionPandemonic OutbreakBeyond Sanctorum4:20not ratedMP31991
TherionPathsBeyond Sanctorum2:01not ratedMP31991
TherionPowerdanceSymphony Masses - Ho Drakon Ho Megas3:07not ratedMP31993
TherionPreludiumTheli1:43not ratedMP31996
TherionProcreation Of EternitySymphony Masses - Ho Drakon Ho Megas4:07not ratedMP31993
TherionRaven Of DispersionVovin5:58not ratedMP31998
TherionRiders of TheliLepaca Kliffoth2:51not ratedMP31995
TherionRiders Of TheliLive In Midgard (Disc 1)3:12not ratedMP32002
TherionSchwarzalbenheimSecret of the Runes3:43not ratedMP32001
TherionSchwarzalbenheimLive In Midgard (Disc 1)3:40not ratedMP32002
TherionSeawindsCrowning Of Atlantis4:22not ratedMP31999
TherionSeawindsLive In Midgard (Disc 1)5:02not ratedMP32002
TherionSecret of the RunesSecret of the Runes5:30not ratedMP32001
TherionSeven Secrets of the SphinxDeggial3:36not ratedMP32000
TherionSeven Secrets Of The SphinxLive In Midgard (Disc 2)3:39not ratedMP32002
TherionShip of LunaDeggial6:29not ratedMP32000

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