Complete list of scorpio-x73's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The Smashing PumpkinsMuzzleMellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness (Disc 1)3:44not ratedMP31995
The Smashing PumpkinsObscuredPisces Iscariot5:22not ratedMP31994
The Smashing PumpkinsOnce Upon A TimeAdore4:06not ratedMP31998
The Smashing PumpkinsPastichio MedleyZero23:03not ratedMP31996
The Smashing PumpkinsPenniesZero2:29not ratedMP31996
The Smashing PumpkinsPerfectAdore3:23not ratedMP31998
The Smashing PumpkinsPissantPisces Iscariot2:31not ratedMP31994
The Smashing PumpkinsPlumePisces Iscariot3:37not ratedMP31994
The Smashing PumpkinsPorcelina Of The Vast OceansMellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness (Disc 1)9:22not ratedMP31995
The Smashing PumpkinsPugAdore4:48not ratedMP31998
The Smashing PumpkinsQuietSiamese Dream3:42not ratedMP31993
The Smashing PumpkinsRocketSiamese Dream4:07not ratedMP31993
The Smashing PumpkinsShameAdore6:40not ratedMP31998
The Smashing PumpkinsSilverfuckSiamese Dream8:44not ratedMP31993
The Smashing PumpkinsSomaSiamese Dream6:40not ratedMP31993
The Smashing PumpkinsSoothePisces Iscariot2:36not ratedMP31994
The Smashing PumpkinsSpaceboySiamese Dream4:29not ratedMP31993
The Smashing PumpkinsSpacedPisces Iscariot2:24not ratedMP31994
The Smashing PumpkinsStarlaPisces Iscariot10:59not ratedMP31994
The Smashing PumpkinsStumbleineMellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness (Disc 2)2:54not ratedMP31995
The Smashing PumpkinsSweet SweetSiamese Dream1:38not ratedMP31993
The Smashing PumpkinsTake Me DownMellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness (Disc 1)2:53not ratedMP31995
The Smashing PumpkinsTales Of A Scorched EarthMellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness (Disc 2)3:46not ratedMP31995
The Smashing PumpkinsTearAdore5:54not ratedMP31998
The Smashing PumpkinsThe Tale Of Dusty And Pistol PeteAdore4:35not ratedMP31998

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