Complete list of scorpio-x73's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The ClashThe Crooked BeatSandinista (Disc 1)5:29not ratedMP31980
The ClashThe EqualiserSandinista (Disc 2)5:48not ratedMP31980
The ClashThe Guns Of BrixtonLondon Calling3:14not ratedMP31979
The ClashThe LeaderSandinista (Disc 1)1:42not ratedMP31980
The ClashThe Magnificent DanceSuper Black Market Clash5:37not ratedMP31993
The ClashThe Magnificent SevenFrom Here To Eternity6:10not ratedMP31999
The ClashThe Magnificient SevenSandinista (Disc 1)5:31not ratedMP31980
The ClashThe PrisonerSuper Black Market Clash3:26not ratedMP31993
The ClashThe Right ProfileLondon Calling3:58not ratedMP31979
The ClashThe Sound Of The SinnersSandinista (Disc 1)4:01not ratedMP31980
The ClashThe Street ParadeSandinista (Disc 2)3:27not ratedMP31980
The ClashTime Is TightSuper Black Market Clash4:06not ratedMP31993
The ClashTommy GunGive 'em Enough Rope3:17not ratedMP31978
The ClashTrain In VainFrom Here To Eternity4:44not ratedMP31999
The ClashTrain In VainLondon Calling3:12not ratedMP31979
The ClashUp In Heaven (Not Only Here)Sandinista (Disc 1)4:32not ratedMP31980
The ClashVersion CitySandinista (Disc 2)4:23not ratedMP31980
The ClashVersion PardnerSandinista (Disc 2)5:23not ratedMP31980
The ClashWashington BulletsSandinista (Disc 2)3:52not ratedMP31980
The ClashWhat's My NameThe Clash1:41not ratedMP31977
The ClashWhat's My NameFrom Here To Eternity1:44not ratedMP31999
The ClashWhite RiotThe Clash1:57not ratedMP31977
The ClashWrong 'em BoyoLondon Calling3:13not ratedMP31979
The CorrsAll In A DayIn Blue3:41not ratedMP32000
The CorrsAll The Love In The WorldIn Blue4:20not ratedMP32000

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