Complete list of scorpio-x73's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
StyxRenegadeThe Singles Collection (Disc 1)4:12not ratedMP32000
StyxRenegadePieces of Eight4:17not ratedMP31978
StyxRock & Roll FeelingBest of Styx2:56not ratedMP31980
StyxRockin' the ParadiseThe Singles Collection (Disc 2)3:37not ratedMP32000
StyxRockin' The ParadiseParadise Theater3:35not ratedMP31980
StyxRockin' the ParadiseCaught in the Act (Disc 2)4:40not ratedMP31984
StyxSerpent Is RisingThe Serpent Is Rising4:50not ratedMP31973
StyxShe CaresParadise Theater4:21not ratedMP31980
StyxShoozCrystal Ball4:50not ratedMP31976
StyxShow Me The WayEdge Of The Century4:37not ratedMP31990
StyxShow Me The WayGreatest Hits4:37not ratedMP31995
StyxShow Me The WayThe Singles Collection (Disc 1)4:38not ratedMP32000
StyxSing For The DayThe Singles Collection (Disc 2)4:56not ratedMP32000
StyxSing for the DayPieces of Eight5:01not ratedMP31978
StyxSnowblindCaught in the Act (Disc 1)6:00not ratedMP31984
StyxSnowblindParadise Theater5:00not ratedMP31980
StyxSouthern WomanBest of Styx3:07not ratedMP31980
StyxState Street SadieParadise Theater0:30not ratedMP31980
StyxSuite Madam BlueGreatest Hits6:34not ratedMP31995
StyxSuite Madame BlueCaught in the Act (Disc 1)8:52not ratedMP31984
StyxSuite Madame BlueEquinox6:31not ratedMP31975
StyxSuite Madame BlueThe Singles Collection (Disc 1)6:33not ratedMP32000
StyxSuperstarsGrand Illusion4:03not ratedMP31977
StyxThe Best Of TimesThe Singles Collection (Disc 2)4:19not ratedMP32000
StyxThe Best Of TimesParadise Theater4:21not ratedMP31980

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