Complete list of scorpio-x73's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
StratovariusLearning To FlyElements - Part I6:20not ratedMP32003
StratovariusLegionsVisions5:44not ratedMP31997
StratovariusLegionsVisions Of Europe (Disc 2)6:34not ratedMP31998
StratovariusLibertyElements - Part Ii5:02not ratedMP32003
StratovariusLord of the WastelandFourth Dimension6:12not ratedMP31995
StratovariusLuminousElements - Part Ii4:49not ratedMP32003
StratovariusMadness strikes at midnightTwilight Time7:20not ratedMP31993
StratovariusMagic Carpet RideDreamspace4:50not ratedMP31994
StratovariusMetal frenzyTwilight Time2:20not ratedMP31993
StratovariusMillenniumInfinite4:10not ratedMP32000
StratovariusMother GaiaInfinite8:19not ratedMP32000
StratovariusNight ScreamerFright Night4:49not ratedMP31989
StratovariusNight Time EclipseEpisode8:01not ratedMP31996
StratovariusNightfallFourth Dimension5:08not ratedMP31995
StratovariusNo Turning BackDestiny4:24not ratedMP31998
StratovariusOut Of The ShadowsThe Chosen Ones4:10not ratedMP31999
StratovariusOut of the shadowsTwilight Time4:10not ratedMP31993
StratovariusPapillonElements - Part I6:59not ratedMP32003
StratovariusParadiseVisions4:27not ratedMP31997
StratovariusParadiseThe Chosen Ones4:27not ratedMP31999
StratovariusParadiseVisions Of Europe (Disc 2)4:53not ratedMP31998
StratovariusPhoenixInfinite6:14not ratedMP32000
StratovariusPlaying With FireDestiny4:15not ratedMP31998
StratovariusRebelDestiny4:17not ratedMP31998
StratovariusReign of TerrorDreamspace3:29not ratedMP31994

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