Complete list of scorpio-x73's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
SavatageLiving For The NightSirens3:20not ratedMP31983
SavatageMan In The MirrorPoets And Madmen5:57not ratedMP32001
SavatageMemory [Dead Winter Dead Intro]Dead Winter Dead1:19not ratedMP31995
SavatageMentally YoursGutter Ballet5:19not ratedMP31989
SavatageMidas KnightDungeons Are Calling4:24not ratedMP31984
SavatageMiles AwayEdge of Thorns5:06not ratedMP31993
SavatageMorning SunThe Wake of Magellan5:50not ratedMP31997
SavatageMorphine ChildPoets And Madmen10:14not ratedMP32001
SavatageMozart And MadnessFrom The Gutter To The Stage (Disc 1)5:03not ratedMP31996
SavatageMozart and MadnessDead Winter Dead5:02not ratedMP31995
SavatageNecrophiliaPower Of The Night3:37not ratedMP31985
SavatageNew York City Don't Mean NothingFrom The Gutter To The Stage (Disc 1)4:04not ratedMP31996
SavatageNew York City Don't Mean NothingStreets - A Rock Opera4:03not ratedMP31991
SavatageNot What You SeeDead Winter Dead5:03not ratedMP31995
SavatageNothing's Going OnHandful of Rain4:08not ratedMP31994
SavatageOf Rage And WarGutter Ballet4:47not ratedMP31989
SavatageOf Rage and WarGhost In The Ruins - A Tribute to Criss Oliva4:30not ratedMP31995
SavatageOn The RunSirens3:31not ratedMP31983
SavatageOne ChildFrom The Gutter To The Stage (Disc 1)5:15not ratedMP31996
SavatageOne ChildDead Winter Dead5:15not ratedMP31995
SavatageOut On The StreetsFight For The Rock4:00not ratedMP31986
SavatageOut On The StreetsSirens5:12not ratedMP31983
SavatageOvertureDead Winter Dead5:40not ratedMP31995
SavatageParagons Of InnocenceThe Wake of Magellan5:34not ratedMP31997
SavatagePost ScriptGhost In The Ruins - A Tribute to Criss Oliva1:42not ratedMP31995

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