The Kinks (10 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The KinksArthur Or The Decline And Fall Of The British EmpireMP31969not rated48:59
The KinksFace To FaceMP31966not rated38:19
The KinksKinda KinksMP31965not rated54:08
The KinksKinks Are The Village Green Preservation SocietyMP31968not rated1:13:36
The KinksMuswell HillbilliesMP31971not rated51:44
The KinksPart 1 - Lola Versus Powerman And The MoneygoroundMP31970not rated52:26
The KinksPercyMP31971not rated33:04
The KinksSomething Else By The KinksMP31967not rated36:34
The KinksThe Kink KontroversyMP31965not rated41:35
The KinksThe KinksMP31964not rated1:01:47