Complete list of scorpio-x73's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
AcceptThe Final Chapter (Disc 1)MP31997not rated57:40
AcceptThe Final Chapter (Disc 2)MP31997not rated55:17
Ace Of BaseDa CapoMP32002not rated41:49
Ace of BaseFlowersMP31998not rated52:41
Ace of BaseHappy NationMP31993not rated57:23
Ace Of BaseThe BridgeMP31995not rated1:02:14
Ace Of BaseThe SignMP31993not rated45:49
AerosmithA Little South Of Sanity (Disc 1)MP31998not rated1:01:36
AerosmithA Little South Of Sanity (Disc 2)MP31998not rated54:13
AerosmithAerosmithMP31973not rated35:54
AerosmithBig OnesMP31994not rated1:18:48
AerosmithClassics Live CompleteMP31986not rated1:16:48
AerosmithDone With MirrorsMP31985not rated35:50
AerosmithDraw the lineMP31977not rated35:20
AerosmithGemsMP31988not rated53:40
AerosmithGet Your WingsMP31974not rated38:09
AerosmithGreatest Hits 1973-1988MP31990not rated1:08:48
AerosmithHonkin' On BoboMP32004not rated43:50
AerosmithJust Push PlayMP32001not rated53:22
AerosmithLive! BootlegMP31978not rated1:15:40
AerosmithNight In The RutsMP31979not rated35:47
AerosmithNine LivesMP31997not rated1:03:00
AerosmithO, Yeah! Ultimate Aerosmith Hits (Disc 1)MP32002not rated1:10:26
AerosmithO, Yeah! Ultimate Aerosmtih Hits (Disc 2)MP32002not rated1:11:41
AerosmithPandora's Box (Disc 1)MP31991not rated1:13:19

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