The Fall

Gorillaz - The Fall

  • Release date: 2011
  • Genre: Alternative
  • Format: CD
  • Category: misc
  • Duration: 43:26
  • not rated
  • Added April 24, 2011


1. Phoner To Arizonanot rated4:14
2. Revolving Doorsnot rated3:26
3. Hillbilly Mannot rated3:50
4. Detroitnot rated2:03
5. Shy-Townnot rated2:54
6. Little Pink Plastic Bagsnot rated3:09
7. The Joplin Spidernot rated3:22
8. The Parish Of Space Dustnot rated2:25
9. The Snake In Dallasnot rated2:11
10. Amarillonot rated3:24
11. The Speak It Mountainsnot rated2:14
12. Aspen Forestnot rated2:50
13. Bobby In Phoenixnot rated3:16
14. California & The Slipping Of The Sunnot rated3:24
15. Seattle Yodelnot rated0:38

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