Complete list of rosinski's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
TroposphereAtmosphereTroposphere5:45not ratedCD2017
TroposphereFour FingersTroposphere6:46not ratedCD2017
TroposphereLighter Than AirTroposphere8:21not ratedCD2017
TroposphereModern TownTroposphere5:09not ratedCD2017
TroposphereOne Track MindTroposphere4:03not ratedCD2017
TroposphereStranger WorldTroposphere4:32not ratedCD2017
TroposphereThe Jeweled EyeTroposphere3:41not ratedCD2017
TroposphereThe World That Lies Beyond The DreamTroposphere4:13not ratedCD2017
TroposphereTime SlipTroposphere3:36not ratedCD2017
TroposphereTroposphereTroposphere4:35not ratedCD2017
TroydonI'm With YaBring The Night4:32not ratedCD2007
TrustPrefabricatedHeavy Metal: Music From The Motion Picture2:54not ratedCD1981
TsarAfradio, Pt. One & Pt. TwoTsar1:53not ratedCD2000
TsarBand-Girls-MoneyBand-Girls-Money2:55not ratedCD2005
TsarCalling All DestroyersTsar3:22not ratedCD2000
TsarConqueror WormBand-Girls-Money3:40not ratedCD2005
TsarDisappearTsar3:07not ratedCD2000
TsarEverybody's Fault But MineBand-Girls-Money2:59not ratedCD2005
TsarI Don't Wanna Break-UpTsar4:29not ratedCD2000
TsarKathy Fong Is The BombTsar3:12not ratedCD2000
TsarMonostereoTsar3:59not ratedCD2000
TsarOrdinary GurlTsar4:02not ratedCD2000
TsarSilver ShifterTsar3:09not ratedCD2000
TsarStartimeBand-Girls-Money3:38not ratedCD2005
TsarStraightBand-Girls-Money2:52not ratedCD2005

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