Complete list of rosinski's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Apple PieStrange Feeling Called LoveThe Gates of Never15:25not ratedCD2013
Apple PieSunriseCrossroad9:15not ratedCD2007
Apple PieTemptationCrossroad4:38not ratedCD2007
Apple PieThe Beginning - a) Once Upon A Time, b) OvertureCrossroad8:18not ratedCD2007
Apple PieThe FinalCrossroad12:26not ratedCD2007
Apple PieThe Gates of NeverThe Gates of Never9:33not ratedCD2013
April Wine21st Century Schizoid ManHarder...Faster6:25not ratedCD1979
April Wine21st Century Schizoid ManKing Biscuit Flower Hour5:12not ratedCD1999
April WineAin't Got Your LovePower Play4:31not ratedCD1982
April WineAll It Will Ever BeWalking Through Fire4:41not ratedCD1986
April WineAll Over TownThe Nature Of The Beast3:00not ratedCD1981
April WineAll Over TownKing Biscuit Flower Hour3:22not ratedCD1999
April WineAnejoWalking Through Fire5:03not ratedCD1986
April WineAnything You WantKing Biscuit Flower Hour6:57not ratedCD1999
April WineAnything You Want, You Got ItPower Play4:45not ratedCD1982
April WineBabes In ArmsHarder...Faster3:20not ratedCD1979
April WineBaby Done Got Some SoulStand Back2:49not ratedCD1975
April WineBad BoysThe Nature Of The Beast3:10not ratedCD1981
April WineBad Side Of The MoonOn Record3:36not ratedCD1972
April WineBefore The DawnHarder...Faster4:21not ratedCD1979
April WineBefore The DawnKing Biscuit Flower Hour4:40not ratedCD1999
April WineBeg For Your LoveWalking Through Fire3:36not ratedCD1986
April WineBelieve In MeOn Record4:01not ratedCD1972
April WineBetter Do It WellHarder...Faster3:35not ratedCD1979
April WineBetter Slow DownAttitude4:21not ratedCD1993

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