Complete list of rosinski's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
InventionsDeep ThoughtCuriosity4:40not ratedCD2018
InventionsInto The LightMeta4:02not ratedCD2017
InventionsKites And DartsCuriosity3:37not ratedCD2018
InventionsLogicaLogica15:25not ratedCD2019
InventionsMetaMeta4:27not ratedCD2017
InventionsMind Of GodLogica5:04not ratedCD2019
InventionsMonochromeMeta3:22not ratedCD2017
InventionsO Stone, Be Not SoCuriosity4:04not ratedCD2018
InventionsOceaniaMeta3:09not ratedCD2017
InventionsOne And The SameMeta4:48not ratedCD2017
InventionsOne Small StepMeta5:23not ratedCD2017
InventionsPlatonicsLogica2:30not ratedCD2019
InventionsPocket UniverseCuriosity3:09not ratedCD2018
InventionsReal NumbersCuriosity4:06not ratedCD2018
InventionsReal Numbers (Alternative Version)Curiosity4:12not ratedCD2018
InventionsSpaceship EarthMeta5:45not ratedCD2017
InventionsSpaceship Earth (Alternative Version)Meta4:53not ratedCD2017
InventionsThe Dream SequenceMeta4:21not ratedCD2017
InventionsThe Grand DesignCuriosity5:20not ratedCD2018
InventionsThe Penrose StepsCuriosity3:57not ratedCD2018
InventionsThe Same River TwiceCuriosity5:51not ratedCD2018
InventionsThe Space BetweenMeta8:47not ratedCD2017
InventionsThe Space Between (Alternative Version)Meta4:37not ratedCD2017
InventionsThe Sum Of All ThingsLogica13:19not ratedCD2019
InventionsThe Turing TestMeta4:15not ratedCD2017

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