Complete list of rosinski's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
HoweverIn The AislesSudden Dusk2:16not ratedCD1981
HoweverIn The Midst Of MakingSudden Dusk5:33not ratedCD1981
HoweverIt's Good FunSudden Dusk3:42not ratedCD1981
HoweverLamplightSudden Dusk3:15not ratedCD1981
HoweverLouise Sitting In A ChairSudden Dusk4:19not ratedCD1981
HoweverNo CowsSudden Dusk7:07not ratedCD1981
HoweverSudden DuskSudden Dusk4:02not ratedCD1981
HoweverTrees For The ForestSudden Dusk6:34not ratedCD1981
Howlin RainDancers At The End Of TimeClassic Rock Presents: Feel Good Hits For The Summer5:56not ratedCD2008
Howlin' WolfHighway 49The Clarksdale Jook Joint Jam Volume 1not ratedDVD2006
Howlin' WolfHowlin' For My BabyThe Clarksdale Jook Joint Jam Volume 1not ratedDVD2006
Howlin' WolfMovingThe Clarksdale Jook Joint Jam Volume 1not ratedDVD2006
HSASAnimationThrough The Fire4:54not ratedCD1984
HSASGizaThrough The Fire1:21not ratedCD1984
HSASHe Will UnderstandThrough The Fire4:48not ratedCD1984
HSASHot And DirtyThrough The Fire4:19not ratedCD1984
HSASMissing YouThrough The Fire4:28not ratedCD1984
HSASMy Home TownThrough The Fire4:05not ratedCD1984
HSASTop Of The RockThrough The Fire4:20not ratedCD1984
HSASValley Of The KingsThrough The Fire3:30not ratedCD1984
HSASWhiter Shade Of PaleThrough The Fire4:48not ratedCD1984
Hubert RazackMusica UniversalisRare And Reworked - The Music Of Mike Oldfield6:35not ratedCD2023
Huey Lewis & The News(She's) Some Kind Of WonderfulFour Chords & Several Years Ago3:06not ratedCD1994
Huey Lewis & The NewsAttitudeHard At Play4:01not ratedCD1991
Huey Lewis & The NewsBack In TimeGreatest Hits4:18not ratedCD2006

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