Elly Ameling (13 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Elly AmelingElly Ameling: The Dutch Nightingale CD1 Cantata 202, 209MP3not rated1:17:12
Elly AmelingElly Ameling: The Dutch Nightingale CD2 Bach cantata ariasMP31983not rated1:04:11
Elly AmelingElly Ameling: The Dutch Nightingale CD3 Schubert songsMP3not rated1:17:34
Elly AmelingElly Ameling: The Dutch Nightingale CD4 Mozart lieder +MP3not rated1:15:27
Elly AmelingElly Ameling: The Dutch Nightingale CD5 Fauré songsMP3not rated1:17:15
Elly AmelingElly Ameling: The Dutch Nightingale CD6 Debussy, Poulenc songsMP3not rated1:14:40
Elly AmelingElly Ameling: The Dutch Nightingale CD7 Favourite Songs And EncoresMP3not rated1:06:27
Elly AmelingElly Ameling: The Dutch Nightingale CD8 Christmas Songs From Europe +MP3not rated1:03:22
Elly AmelingHaydn, English SongsCD1980not rated54:45
Elly AmelingHaydn, Lieder 1CD1980not rated42:22
Elly AmelingHaydn, Lieder 2CD1980not rated45:31
Elly AmelingLieder - Tanglewood liveMP3not rated1:08:15
Elly AmelingSchubert, Schumann LiederCDnot rated1:09:22