Byrd, Pieter-Jan Belder
My Ladye Nevells Booke

Pieter-Jan Belder - My Ladye Nevells Booke

  • Release date: 2023
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: classical
  • Duration: 3:21:25
  • not rated
  • Added January 5, 2024


1. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: I. My Ladye Nevels Grownde, MB57not rated5:39
2. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: II. Qui passe for my Ladye Nevell, MB19not rated3:44
3. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: III. The Marche Before the Battell, MB93not rated3:52
4. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: IV. The Battell, MB94 - The Souldiers Sommons - The Marche of the Foote Men - The Marchnot rated12:14
5. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: V. The Galliarde for the Victorie, MB95not rated1:54
6. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: VI. The Barelye Breake, MB92not rated8:06
7. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: VII. A Galliards Gygge, MB18not rated2:02
8. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: VIII. The Huntes Upp, MB41not rated6:47
9. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: IX. Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La, MB64not rated7:58
10. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: X. The Firste Pavian, MB29not rated4:22
11. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XI. The Galliarde to the Samenot rated1:42
12. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XII. The II Pavian, MB71not rated2:36
13. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XIII. The Galliarde to the Samenot rated1:56
14. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XIV. The III Pavian, MB14not rated4:49
15. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XV. The Galliarde to the Samenot rated1:34
16. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XVI. The IIII Pavian, MB30not rated2:48
17. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XVII. The Galliardenot rated1:44
18. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XVIII. The V Pavian, MB31not rated5:10
19. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XIX. The Galliardenot rated1:45
20. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XX. Pavana the VI. Kinbrugh Goodd, MB32not rated4:39
21. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXI. The Galliardnot rated1:44
22. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXII. The Seventh Pavian, MB74not rated4:17
23. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXIII. The Eighte Pavian, MB17not rated5:02
24. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXIV. The Passinge Mesures Pavan, MB2not rated6:06
25. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXV. The Galliardenot rated4:39
26. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXVI. A Voluntarie for my Ladye Nevell, MB61not rated4:58
27. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXVII. Will Yow Qalke the Woodes Soe Wylde, MB85not rated4:07
28. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXVIII. The Maidens Song, MB82not rated5:20
29. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXIX. A Lesson of Voluntarie, MB26not rated7:30
30. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXX. The Seconde Grownde, MB42not rated8:33
31. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXXI. Have with Yow to Walsingame, MB8not rated8:35
32. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXXII. All in a Garden Grine, MB56not rated3:55
33. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXXIII. Lord Willobies Welcome Home, MB7not rated2:36
34. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXXIV. The Carmans Whistle, MB36not rated5:20
35. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXXV. Hughe Ashstons Ground, MB20not rated7:24
36. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXXVI. A Fancie, MB25not rated5:39
37. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXXVII. Sellingers Rownde, MB84not rated7:00
38. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXXVIII. Munsers Almaine, MB88not rated7:15
39. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XXXIX. The Tenthe Pavian, Mr W Peter, MB3not rated5:16
40. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XL. The Galliardnot rated2:03
41. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XLI. A Fancie, MB46not rated5:12
42. My Ladye Nevells Booke, IWB 162: XLII. A Voluntarie, MB27not rated3:33

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