Coheed and Cambria (26 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Coheed and CambriaBBC Radio: No World for Tomorrow SampleMP32007not rated18:48
Coheed and CambriaGood Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, VolumeMP3not rated2:14:15
Coheed and CambriaGood Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of MadnessMP32005not rated1:11:21
Coheed and CambriaGood Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness Special Edition DVDMP32005not rated46:38
Coheed and CambriaGood Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World for TomorrowMP32007not rated1:02:54
Coheed and CambriaGood Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow Bonus DVDMP32007not rated1:09:40
Coheed and CambriaIn Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3MP32003not rated1:10:42
Coheed and CambriaIn Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 Acoustic DemosMP32003not rated49:41
Coheed and CambriaKerrang!/XFM UK Acoustic SessionsMP32006not rated22:37
Coheed and CambriaLive at La Zona RosaMP32003not rated32:03
Coheed and CambriaLive at the AvalonMP32005not rated31:00
Coheed and CambriaLive at the Starland BallroomMP32005not rated55:21
Coheed and CambriaLive in Atlanta, 99x Live X Acoustic SessionMP32004not rated19:59
Coheed and CambriaMTV OverdriveMP32005not rated16:15
Coheed and CambriaMaiden Heaven: A Tribute to Iron MaidenMP32008not rated4:20
Coheed and CambriaNeverender 12%MP32009not rated29:43
Coheed and CambriaNeverender: Children of the Fence Edition: Documentary: The Fiction Will See the RealMP32009not rated2:30:13
Coheed and CambriaNeverender: Children of the Fence Edition: Night I: The Second Stage Turbine BladeMP32009not rated1:01:59
Coheed and CambriaNeverender: Children of the Fence Edition: Night II: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3MP32009not rated1:13:26
Coheed and CambriaNeverender: Children of the Fence Edition: Night III: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume I: From Fear Through theMP32009not rated1:47:05
Coheed and CambriaNeverender: Children of the Fence Edition: Night IV: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume II: No World for TomorrowMP32009not rated1:16:55
Coheed and CambriaSonic Session (Live Acoustic)MP32004not rated31:03
Coheed and CambriaThe Last Supper: Live at Hammerstein BallroomMP32006not rated1:18:57
Coheed and CambriaThe Second Stage Turbine BladeMP32002not rated54:23
Coheed and CambriaThe Second Stage Turbine Blade (Re-release)MP32005not rated1:13:26
Coheed and CambriaThe String Quartet Tribute to Coheed and Cambria's In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3MP32006not rated1:01:06