Complete list of rgalka's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The Tony Williams LifetimeSomething SpecialEmergency!5:40not ratedMP31969
The Tony Williams LifetimeSpectrumEmergency!8:52not ratedMP31969
The Tony Williams LifetimeThis Night This SongTurn It Over (Redux)3:52not ratedMP32007
The Tony Williams LifetimeThis Song This Night(turn it over)3:46not ratedMP31997
The Tony Williams LifetimeTo WhomTurn It Over (Redux)2:20not ratedMP32007
The Tony Williams LifetimeTo Whom It May Concern - Them(turn it over)4:21not ratedMP31997
The Tony Williams LifetimeTo Whom It May Concern - Us(turn it over)2:57not ratedMP31997
The Tony Williams LifetimeTo Whom It May Concern: Us/ThemTurn It Over (Redux)7:16not ratedMP32007
The Tony Williams LifetimeVashkarEmergency!5:00not ratedMP31969
The Tony Williams LifetimeVia The Spectrum RoadEmergency!7:50not ratedMP31969
The Tony Williams LifetimeVuelta Abajo(turn it over)5:00not ratedMP31997
The Tony Williams LifetimeVuelta AbajoTurn It Over (Redux)6:34not ratedMP32007
The Tony Williams LifetimeWhereEmergency!12:11not ratedMP31969
The Tony Williams LIfetimeWildlifeBelieve It5:22not ratedMP31975
The Torero BandAll My LovingLennon & McCartney Tijuana Style1:53not ratedMP3
The Torero BandCan't Buy Me LoveLennon & McCartney Tijuana Style2:38not ratedMP3
The Torero BandEleanor RigbyLennon & McCartney Tijuana Style2:04not ratedMP3
The Torero BandFrom Me To YouLennon & McCartney Tijuana Style2:14not ratedMP3
The Torero BandHey JudeLennon & McCartney Tijuana Style3:01not ratedMP3
The Torero BandI Want To Hold Your HandLennon & McCartney Tijuana Style2:03not ratedMP3
The Torero BandOb-La-Di, Ob-La-DaLennon & McCartney Tijuana Style2:07not ratedMP3
The Torero BandPlease Pleasr MeLennon & McCartney Tijuana Style1:58not ratedMP3
The Torero BandShe Loves YouLennon & McCartney Tijuana Style2:01not ratedMP3
The Torero BandWith A Little Help From My FriendsLennon & McCartney Tijuana Style1:59not ratedMP3
The Torero BandYellow SubmarineLennon & McCartney Tijuana Style2:12not ratedMP3

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