Title |
Album |
Duration |
Rating |
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Released |
Kip Hanrahan | ...half od sex is fear... | Tenderness | 6:26 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Kip Hanrahan | ...I told him 'I don't have to be beaten to be understood..." | Tenderness | 6:01 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Kip Hanrahan | ...If I knew how to, if I knew what muscles to relax... | Tenderness | 3:13 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Kip Hanrahan | ...look, the moon. | Tenderness | 5:05 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Kip Hanrahan | ...look, the moon... | Tenderness | 5:44 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Kip Hanrahan | ...she turned so that maybe a third of her face was in this * b | Tenderness | 4:31 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Kip Hanrahan | ...there was something about his anger that was so...inaccessab | Tenderness | 5:45 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Kip Hanrahan | ...when I lose myself in the darkness and pain of love, no, thi | Tenderness | 5:37 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Kip Hanrahan |'re no pimp, and I', certainly no whore... | Tenderness | 1:31 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Kip Hanrahan | in the pants, not in the prick | Tenderness | 5:37 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Kip Hanrahan | A Model Bronx Childhood | Days And Night Of Blue Luck Inverted | 3:03 | not rated | MP3 | 1987 |
Kip Hanrahan | A Poker Game: Luck Inverts Itself – Four Swimmers | Days And Night Of Blue Luck Inverted | 5:37 | not rated | MP3 | 1987 |
Kip Hanrahan | A Small Map Of Heaven | Vertical's Currency | 5:25 | not rated | MP3 | 1998 |
Kip Hanrahan | Ah, Intruder (Female) | Days And Night Of Blue Luck Inverted | 6:14 | not rated | MP3 | 1987 |
Kip Hanrahan | Ah,Intruder! (Female) | Drawn For Memory (greatest hits, or whatever) | 6:16 | not rated | MP3 | 2001 |
Kip Hanrahan | All Us Working Class | Desire Develops An Edge | 3:58 | not rated | MP3 | 2009 |
Kip Hanrahan | American Clave | Days And Night Of Blue Luck Inverted | 3:48 | not rated | MP3 | 1987 |
Kip Hanrahan | Another Autumn Forms | At Home in Anger | 1:18 | not rated | MP3 | 2011 |
Kip Hanrahan | Arab Girl by the Well | A Thousand Nights and a Night | 6:59 | not rated | MP3 | 1996 |
Kip Hanrahan | As in Angola (Red Star in the Morning Sky) | Exotica | 3:35 | not rated | MP3 | 1992 |
Kip Hanrahan | As in the Bronx (You Can Tell Where Someone Comes from by what They Laugh at) | Exotica | 4:27 | not rated | MP3 | 1992 |
Kip Hanrahan | As in the Red Morning | Exotica | 8:00 | not rated | MP3 | 1992 |
Kip Hanrahan | At Home in the Night | At Home in Anger | 3:40 | not rated | MP3 | 2011 |
Kip Hanrahan | Aziz and Azizah | A Thousand Nights and a Night | 3:15 | not rated | MP3 | 1996 |
Kip Hanrahan | Aziz and Azizah | A Thousand Nights and a Night | 7:39 | not rated | MP3 | 1996 |