Tori Amos
Night Of Hunters [deluxe edition]

Tori Amos - Night Of Hunters [deluxe edition]

  • Release date: 9/16/2011
  • Format: CD+DVD
  • Duration: 1:11:38
  • not rated
  • Added October 1, 2011


1. Shattering seanot rated5:40
2. Tori Amos & Natashya Hawley - Snowblindnot rated3:15
3. Battle of treesnot rated8:45
4. Fearlessnessnot rated6:34
5. Tori Amos & Natashya Hawley - Cactus practicenot rated4:29
6. Star whisperernot rated9:54
7. Tori Amos & Natashya Hawley - Job's coffinnot rated3:32
8. Nautical twilightnot rated3:19
9. Your ghostnot rated5:40
10. Edge of the moonnot rated4:53
11. Tori Amos & Natashya Hawley - The chasenot rated3:03
12. Tori Amos & Kelsey Dobyns - Night of huntersnot rated5:34
13. Seven sistersnot rated2:46
14. Carrynot rated4:07

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