Sign 'O' The Times

Prince - Sign 'O' The Times

  • Release date: 3/30/1987
  • Format: 2LP
  • Duration: 1:19:54
  • not rated
  • Added April 14, 2009


1. Sign o' the timesnot rated4:57
2. Play in the sunshinenot rated5:05
3. Housequakenot rated4:42
4. The ballad of Dorothy Parkernot rated4:01
5. Itnot rated5:09
6. Starfish and coffeenot rated2:50
7. Slow lovenot rated4:22
8. Hot thingnot rated5:39
9. Forever in my lifenot rated3:30
10. U got the looknot rated3:48
11. If I was your girlfriendnot rated5:02
12. Strange relationshipnot rated4:01
13. I could never take the place of your mannot rated6:29
14. The crossnot rated4:48
15. It's gonna be a beautiful nightnot rated9:01
16. Adorenot rated6:30

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