Linda Ronstadt
We Ran

Linda Ronstadt - We Ran

  • Release date: 6/23/1998
  • Format: CD
  • Duration: 49:26
  • not rated
  • Added April 13, 2009


1. When we rannot rated5:08
2. If I should fall behindnot rated4:06
3. Give me a reasonnot rated3:58
4. Ruler of my heartnot rated3:37
5. Just like Tom Thumb's bluesnot rated7:48
6. Cry 'til my tears run drynot rated4:01
7. I go to piecesnot rated3:46
8. Heartbreak kindnot rated3:31
9. Damagenot rated3:19
10. Icy blue heartnot rated4:57
11. Dreams of the San Joaquinnot rated5:15

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